CS1010 – C# AND .NET FRAMEWORK previous year question paper

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2007 Anna University
 B.E Computer Science & Engg 
                                    CS-1010 C# AND .NET FRAMEWORK Question paper
PART-A (10*2=20 MARKS)

1. Differentiate value type and reference type.
2. Is it possible to have two Main() in a C# code? If so, how is it resolved?
3. What is the use of static constructor in C#?
4. What is the use of ‘new’ in inheritance?
5. List out the different types of applications that can be created on .NET.
6. What are the advantages in using a dataset?
7. What are the uses of server side controls?
8. List out the server side state management options supported by ASP.NET.
9. What are assemblies?
10. What is the difference between SingleCall and Singleton?

PART-B(5*16=80 MARKS)

11 (a) (i) List out the various value and reference types supported in C#.[8]
(ii)What is a jagged array? Explain its use with simple example. [8]
(b) (i) Explain the execution model of the .NET framework[6]
(ii) Describe the components of the .NET framework and explain the features of each component.[10]

12(a) (i)List out the exception handling statements supported in C# and explain with an example. [8]
(ii) What is the use of ‘is’ operator in interfaces? Explain. [8]
(b)(i) Consider a class distance which stores a distance value using kilometer and meter. Overload the +operator to add two distance objects.
(ii) What is a delegate? Explain with an example. [8]

13(a)(i) List out the categories of controls supported in window based application and explain the importance of each. [8]
(ii) Explain the process of creating a window based calculator with your own UI. [8]
(b)(i)Compare the architecture of ADO with ADO.NET. [8]
(ii). Write a database application to display the details of student table details in a datagrid control. [8]

14.(a) (i) Compare ASP with ASP.NET.[8]
(ii) Write a web based application to implement a ticket status checking system.[8]
(b) Explain the web service architecture. What are the steps involved in the creation and consumption of web services. Explain with an example.[16]

15 (a)(i) Explain the features of CLR.[8]
(ii) What is reflection? Explain its use with an example.[8]
(b) What is remoting? Explain the steps involved in the process of creating remoting application[16]

                                   B.E DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2008

                                         CS1010 – C# AND .NET FRAMEWORK

Part –a

1. What are boxing and unboxing

2. Define inter-operability. How does .net Achieve this?

3. Distinguish between ref and out parameters

4. What is inclusion polymorphism.

5. What is disconnected data architecture. What is the advantage of this.

6. What is the use of data adapter.

7. What are post back events. Give example.

8. Define marshaling.

9. Differentiate between data reader and data set.

10. What is DLL hell. How it is rectified in .NET.

Part –b

i. For each
ii. Structures
iii. Arrays
iv. Array list



i. Describe the characteristic of .net architecture.
ii. Discuss about indexers in detail.

12. A) explain creating and using delegates with example.

b) Discuss about inheritance and polymorphism in detail.

13. A). Write a program using ADO.NET to connect to the northwind database and read the names of the employees. The employee table has 2 fields namely first name and last name.


b) implement the following in datasets

i. Adding a row
ii. Adding a new data column
iii. Deleting a row
iv. Updating a row

14. a) i. Describe in detail the lifecycle of webform.

ii. Explain any one data bound control in a program.


b). Explain the creation of calculator web-service. Test this program using a client program.

15). A)

i. Describe about assembles in detail.
ii. What is reflection. Explain with example.


b). Write a remoting application which returns the maximum and minimum temperature of a given city.

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